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Even the most competently performed surgery may result in complications and, if the worst happens, you should contact a solicitor straight away. In a case on point, a grandfather who...
Accident and emergency departments are busy places and, although medical staff do their best, standards of care do not always attain acceptable levels. That was sadly so in the case...
Personal injury awards for the most gravely injured clinical negligence victims may appear very large, but they are no more than is needed to fund a lifetime of care. In...
Can business owners be legally liable for the negligence of subcontractors? In the case of a dental practice proprietor who engaged self-employed dentists, the High Court answered that question with...
High street opticians do more than issue prescriptions for glasses – they play a crucial role in spotting signs of serious eye conditions and referring sufferers for specialist treatment. The...
If you feel that your life has been blighted by negligent medical treatment, any delay in consulting a solicitor can stymie your chances of receiving fair compensation. A pensioner whose...
Health centre nurses are often the first port of call for patients and, particularly in cancer cases, the reliability of their advice can be crucial. A case on point concerned...
It is not uncommon for people to suffer psychiatric injury as a result of witnessing a shocking event caused by someone else’s negligence. However, as a High Court ruling showed,...
When a child suffers disabling injuries, it is desperately sad for all concerned – but such tragedies can also bring out the best in human nature. In a case on...
Medical negligence can be very hard to prove, but that does not deter expert lawyers from fighting their clients’ corners to a successful conclusion. In one case, a 15-year-old girl...
Judges often express amazement at the devoted care lavished upon disabled people by their loved ones. However, as one case showed, one of the most important things they can do...
Damages awards in the most serious clinical negligence cases may seem very large, but they accurately reflect the ever-increasing cost of professional care and are pitched no higher than is...
Any civilised society would expect innocent victims of clinical negligence to be fully compensated, and that is exactly what specialist lawyers are there to do. In a case on point,...
Many clinical negligence lawyers will tell you that negotiating a good settlement of a claim can be every bit as challenging as standing up in court. In a case on...
Traumatic births can leave babies with life-changing physical injuries, but specialist lawyers are thankfully there to ensure that they receive fair compensation. In a case on point, a woman whose...
Parents who take a ‘stiff upper lip’ approach to bringing up disabled children deserve the admiration of all. However, as a High Court case showed, consulting a solicitor with a...
Damages awards to clinical negligence victims may appear very large, but they are no more than is needed to pay for a lifetime of care. In one case, a happy,...
Hospitals are inevitably the scene of frequent tragic events but, if patients suffer as a result of clinical negligence, it is only right that they should be compensated. In one...
Patience and persistence are amongst the primary qualities required of any personal injury lawyer. That was certainly so in the case of a man in his 20s who, following an...
Proving that a patient’s death or injury was caused by clinical negligence can be an extremely demanding task, involving minute analysis of technical expert evidence. However, a High Court case...
Childbirth should always be a happy event but, if things go wrong, specialist lawyers are always there to ensure that fair compensation is paid. In one case, a teenager who...
If you have suffered psychiatric injury due to witnessing a loved one’s shocking injury or death, you may be entitled to compensation and should contact a solicitor straight away. A...
The bad old days of childbirth posing a grave risk to both mothers and babies are happily gone. However, as a High Court case showed, medical staff remain fallible and...
Lives depend on the diagnostic skills of hard-working GPs and they would be the first to agree that, where negligent errors are made, it is only right that fair compensation...
Clinical negligence can become harder and harder to prove as the years go by and that is why it makes sense to consult a solicitor as soon as possible. However,...
Patients have little choice but to put their faith in doctors but, if their trust turns out to be misplaced, lawyers will step in to ensure they are properly compensated....
Elderly victims of clinical negligence who are approaching the end of their lives may feel there is little point seeking justice. However, they also have their loved ones to think...
Doctors are obliged to inform their patients of all available treatment options and, if you feel you have been kept in the dark, you should consult a solicitor without delay....
For clinical negligence and personal injury lawyers, hard-nosed negotiating skills can be just as important as advocacy. In a case on point, a seven-figure settlement was negotiated on behalf of...
Everyone has a right to expect that public services will function efficiently and, if you have been let down and suffered injury as a result, you should see a solicitor...
The vast majority of births occur without a hitch but, when things go wrong, personal injury lawyers are there to ensure that injured children are properly compensated. A case on...
As any experienced clinical negligence lawyer will tell you, obtaining the best results for victims in terms of compensation requires careful risk assessment and a process of give and take....
Death following childbirth is nowadays thankfully rare but, when it occurs as a result of negligence, expert lawyers are there to ensure that bereaved loved ones are justly compensated. In...
Judges and lawyers never cease to be amazed by the way victims and their families cope with the consequences of clinical negligence. That was certainly so in the case of...
Giving birth is a lot safer than it used to be, but hazards sadly remain. As one case showed, however, children who suffer brain injuries at or around the time...
Clinical negligence claims can be finely balanced, with the prospect of compensation in full on the one hand and receiving nothing at all on the other. However, as a High...
Unborn children can sadly pay a terrible price if accidents befall their mothers during pregnancy. In one case, however, seven-figure compensation was obtained for a woman who had yet to...
The first contact that patients have with medical professionals is commonly online or on the telephone and there remain concerns as to whether such arrangements are adequate from a diagnostic...
Modern methods of compensating clinical negligence victims mean that they can rest assured that, however long their lives may be, the costs of their care will always be met. In...
Every operation involves an element of risk but, if the worst happens, expert lawyers are always there to ensure that those who suffer are justly compensated. In one case, a...
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