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Our Privacy Policy tells you what will happen to any personal data that you provide to us as a result of using this website. The information is written for the...
This section outlines just some of the claim expertise our Clinical Negligence team can offer you. We are happy to look at the details of any case and provide expert advice as...
We understand that you may find dealing with the consequences of an unexpected injury extremely stressful and we take a very personal and individual approach to each case. Our aim...
Pattinson & Brewer operates a Law Society compliant complaints procedure that is summarized below. We are committed to providing a high-quality legal service to all our clients. When something goes...
Information About Our Use of Cookies The 1-Minute Guide Interested in this issue but short of time? Here’s what we think you need to know: We use cookies to make...
The materials appearing on this website do not constitute legal advice and are provided for general information purposes only. No warranty, whether express or implied is given in relation to...
We are committed to ensuring that our website meets high standards of accessibility and usability. Text Resizing Web Accessibility Initiative W3C Standards Reporting problems Text Resizing If you have a...
Your enquiry has been received and will be dealt with as soon as possible within our office opening hours.
Over the years, there have been many cases of medical & clinical negligence. From relatively minor incidents to major ones which have led to the unfortunate death of a patient, medical &...
All over the UK, patients place a certain level of trust in their local doctor, but it’s a sad fact that GP negligence occurs on a regular basis, and the fallout from...
Every patient who visits a medical facility is legally entitled to certain standards of care, but hospital negligence is a regular occurrence. And for those who are on the receiving end, the...
In the UK, all hospital patients have a legal right to adequate medical care, but it’s a sad fact that mistakes and incompetence can and do occur. While some incidents...
It’s a sad fact that occasionally medical procedures go wrong, often resulting in serious complications for the patient. A bile duct injury is one of them, and is often due to operations...
Unfortunately, a brain injury can have repercussions which can last for the rest of the victim’s life. And these can be equally devastating to the sufferer’s loved ones. In the more...
At Pattinson & Brewer, we have been handling acquired brain injury cases for many years. We liaise with accredited medical experts to ascertain the seriousness of the acquired brain injury before mounting a professionally constructed...
Anoxic brain injury occurs when the brain has been deprived of sufficient oxygen, which can happen due to a variety of reasons. Low oxygen levels for just a few minutes can...
“Spinal cord injury patients who believe they have been badly looked after are best served by approaching a firm of solicitors with a legal team who understand the key principles...
For the latest research: ICORD (International Collaboration On Repair Discoveries) This is an interdisciplinary research centre for the development of effective strategies to promote functional recovery after spinal cord injury. This...
Linda has over 20 years experience of dealing with a broad range of complex injuries of maximum severity including brain injury, spinal injury and fatal cases. She has extensive medical...
Gary Lightwood is the Managing Partner of Pattinson & Brewer Bristol office. During his career he has specialised in personal injury litigation, clinical negligence and family law. As a personal...
Jane Radcliffe is Managing Partner of the Pattinson & Brewer York office. A recognised expert in claimant medical accident, and personal injury work, she has a strong commitment to a...
Marcus is a Partner in the London Office of Pattinson and Brewer specialising in serious injury work and working exclusively for Claimants both in Union and Private cases.  He is...
Carla graduated from the College of Law, York in 2011 after obtaining a Distinction in the Legal Practice Course. Shortly after this she began her legal career at Pattinson &...
Nadeem has over 20 years post qualification experience of dealing with complicated Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence cases. He has experience of dealing with a broad range of complex injuries...
Fiona has been employed within the legal profession since 1987. She has worked in various areas of law however largely personal injury, industrial disease and clinical negligence. Fiona currently works...
After completing a degree in Mathematical Sciences, Abbigail joined Pattinson & Brewer in 2002 as a paralegal in the personal injury department. Abbigail trained with CILEx and qualified as a...
Welcome to our media centre and we will do all that we can to assist with your enquiry. t: 0845 567 1890 e: You can find plenty more background info on...
“Highly recommend, very professional and excellent service” “….a firm of solicitors with a legal team who understand the key principles of good spinal cord injury care and who have the...
1. If we hold money in a general client account on your behalf, or if money should have been held on your behalf but was not, then we will account...
If your child is living with the impact of cerebral palsy and you believe that this may have been caused by medical negligence, we have the specialist expertise required to...
£100,000 The Facts Our client was an elderly lady who had some signs of early stage senile dementia. She was admitted to hospital with angina. Whilst in hospital, she knocked...
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