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Cancer Death Architect's Family Wins Damages

Cancer Death Architect's Family Wins Damages

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A personal injury claim brought by the widow and daughter of a promising young architect who needlessly died due to a delay in treating him for skin cancer has been settled by the NHS for almost £600,000.

Sam Potts, who was said to be one of the profession's 'shining young stars', was aged just 33 when he died in 2011. He was survived by his wife and four-year-old daughter. They sued two London NHS Trusts, claiming that he would probably have made a good recovery had he been treated sooner.

The Trusts did not dispute liability and agreed to settle the family's claim for a total of £590,555.

It had always been Mr Potts' wish that his daughter go to university, and the bulk of the money will be used to fund her educational needs. The Court had no hesitation in approving the settlement.

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