Damaged left ureter during ileal pouch surger loss of a kidney
The Facts
The client was a 40 year old man who had ulcerative colitis. He needed an ileal pouch formed after a colectomy. Unfortunately during surgery he suffered irreversible damage to the sympathetic nerves required for sexual intercourse and also his left ureter was transected.
After a long course of treatment he eventually had to have his left kidney removed. He suffered from retrograde ejaculation.
- The surgery fell below a reasonable standard
- This resulted in a transected ureter to his left kidney, loss of a kidney, retrograde ejaculation and resulting fertility problems.
The claim was made and the defendants denied liability for the injury. Court proceedings were issued and served and liability was admitted for part of the injury and judgement was entered on the client’s behalf.
A trial date was listed. An initial offer of £50,000 was rejected. Various further offers were made and the case settled eventually shortly before it was listed for trial for £390,000 damages plus costs.